16,5-19 cm
25-30 cm
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Motacillidae
Common in many habitats, from cultivated land, wetlands, open fields to areas close to man with water supply such as farms, riverbanks, towns and cities.
Elegant bird with a characteristic appearance with a long tail and white, black and grey tones. The upperparts are grey with a black crown and nape, the rest of the head is white with a contrasting black bib. White belly and black wings with white bands that can be seen when the bird is perched.
Elegant bird with a characteristic appearance with a long tail and white, black and grey tones. The upperparts are grey with a black crown and nape, the rest of the head is white with a contrasting black bib. White belly and black wings with white bands that can be seen when the bird is perched.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer