14,5-16 cm
20-25 cm
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sylviidae

It occupies wooded areas with abundant thickets. It breeds in broadleaf wooded terrains, sunny slopes and locally in some pine forests. Although it prefers bushes and wastelands, it also lives in open forests with a certain size of vegetation.
The largest of our warblers, brownish grey above and paler below with a pinkish ochre hue, has a dark head, light iris, white throat and a long, dark tail with its outermost white feathers. The beak is blackish and the legs are slate-coloured. Females and immature ones, have paler head colouration. Shy and elusive.
The largest of our warblers, brownish grey above and paler below with a pinkish ochre hue, has a dark head, light iris, white throat and a long, dark tail with its outermost white feathers. The beak is blackish and the legs are slate-coloured. Females and immature ones, have paler head colouration. Shy and elusive.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer