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Alectoris rufa


32-35 cm


47-50 cm


Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae

Alectoris rufa


It breeds in a wide variety of habitats, from dry farming to mountainous areas. It prefers open areas and low mountains with a dry climate. They run quickly if they are startled and only fly if they have to. Much more gregarious outside of breeding season.


Medium-sized partridge with a brownish-coloured mantle and reddish tips of the tail, as well as the eye ring, legs and beak. It has a white throat, a mottled black bib and striped and striking flanks composed of various colours.

Alectoris rufa
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


Medium-sized partridge with a brownish-coloured mantle and reddish tips of the tail, as well as the eye ring, legs and beak. It has a white throat, a mottled black bib and striped and striking flanks composed of various colours.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer