49-64 cm
90-120 cm
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Accipitridae

It lives mainly in forests and has discreet habits. Generally it breeds in mature forests, but also in younger forests, it rarely goes out into the open. It nests in tall trees that it often reuses year after year. It feeds on birds and mammals, capable of hunting animals of considerable size.
Medium-sized raptor, with wide wings and a long tail. Adult individuals have a mostly greyish colouration on the back while the belly is whitish finely barred. The white eyebrow stands out in contrast to the almost black crown and ear cups. Young specimens are brown above and ochreous white below, roughly streaked with brown.
Medium-sized raptor, with wide wings and a long tail. Adult individuals have a mostly greyish colouration on the back while the belly is whitish finely barred. The white eyebrow stands out in contrast to the almost black crown and ear cups. Young specimens are brown above and ochreous white below, roughly streaked with brown.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer