14-16 cm
24,5-27,5 cm
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Fringillidae

It occupies the margins of forests, groves and areas with abundant thickets associated with crops. In urban areas it is possible to observe it in parks and gardens with a certain density of trees, since it is a fairly inconspicuous bird and usually spends much of its time hidden.
Robust-looking finch with a strong beak. It has a greyish-green colouration which makes the bright yellow on the outside of the wings and on the sides of the tail base stand out in flight. The females are like the males but their colouration is duller.
Robust-looking finch with a strong beak. It has a greyish-green colouration which makes the bright yellow on the outside of the wings and on the sides of the tail base stand out in flight. The females are like the males but their colouration is duller.
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