13,5-15 cm
20-23 cm
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sylviidae

Common in shady wooded terrain with dense undergrowth, in parks, in overgrown gardens. Avoids very dry areas, which is why they are common in riparian vegetation, next to streams, where the humidity levels are higher and where the trees are more developed.
He has a stocky build. The male is uniform greyish (somewhat lighter on the chest and belly) with a black hood that gives it its name, while the female and juvenile have a chestnut-coloured hood. Grey beaks and legs.
He has a stocky build. The male is uniform greyish (somewhat lighter on the chest and belly) with a black hood that gives it its name, while the female and juvenile have a chestnut-coloured hood. Grey beaks and legs.
Regular |
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer