48-58 cm
130-155 cm
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Accipitridae

It breeds in groves, coppices, forests near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes or wetlands. With great adaptability both when it comes to feeding and finding a place to breed, this bird of prey is one of the most abundant in Europe. It winters in Africa and comes to the Peninsula in spring.
Medium-sized raptor, it differs from its relative, the red kite, in that it is smaller in size and has a less forked tail. The upperparts have greyish-brown tones while the underparts are reddish with elongated spots. The head stands out, which is greyish in colour.
Medium-sized raptor, it differs from its relative, the red kite, in that it is smaller in size and has a less forked tail. The upperparts have greyish-brown tones while the underparts are reddish with elongated spots. The head stands out, which is greyish in colour.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer