23-28 cm
38-45 cm
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae

Breeds in marshes with reeds and in shallow lakes with dense reeds. Permanent wetlands with stagnant or slow-moving water, with dense and tall vegetation such as rushes, cattails or reed beds are their preferred habitats. It usually stays hidden, but it can sometimes be seen when it fleetingly crosses the muddy spaces between the vegetation.
Small in size, long neck and fine beak, red, long, and slightly curved downwards. The upper parts, from the forehead to the tail, are olive brown. The sides of the head and underparts are bluish-grey, while the flanks and belly are barred black and white. Its song is a screech like that of "a little pig" that fades away.
Small in size, long neck and fine beak, red, long, and slightly curved downwards. The upper parts, from the forehead to the tail, are olive brown. The sides of the head and underparts are bluish-grey, while the flanks and belly are barred black and white. Its song is a screech like that of "a little pig" that fades away.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer