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Milvus milvus


61-72 cm


140-165 cm


Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Accipitridae

Milvus milvus


It uses a multitude of environments and can be seen in wooded areas such as river groves or copses, in agricultural fields and even in urban areas.


Medium-sized raptor, reddish in colour, with long wings and a very forked tail. In the lower part of the wings, a white area or “window” stands out enormously in comparison with the rest of the wing, that is much darker. Excellent aerial acrobat performs agile manoeuvres changing the direction of flight with rapid movements of the tail.

Milvus milvus
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


Medium-sized raptor, reddish in colour, with long wings and a very forked tail. In the lower part of the wings, a white area or “window” stands out enormously in comparison with the rest of the wing, that is much darker. Excellent aerial acrobat performs agile manoeuvres changing the direction of flight with rapid movements of the tail.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer