70-90 cm
120-138 cm
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Ardeidae

It breeds colonially or isolated in reeds in swampy areas, lagoons and rivers. Of more discreet habits than other herons, it is possible to observe it when it feeds in the open areas between the reeds and on the banks of the rivers.
Large, elongated, dark-looking heron seen from a distance. The neck, like the beak, is elongated and narrow. Adult individuals have dark grey upperparts with a reddish-brown neck and head, highlighting the black edge of the neck; juveniles, on the other hand, have more brownish tones in general. It flies with its long legs outstretched and its neck tucked up to form an angular “keel”.
Large, elongated, dark-looking heron seen from a distance. The neck, like the beak, is elongated and narrow. Adult individuals have dark grey upperparts with a reddish-brown neck and head, highlighting the black edge of the neck; juveniles, on the other hand, have more brownish tones in general. It flies with its long legs outstretched and its neck tucked up to form an angular “keel”.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer