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Spatula clypeata






Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae

Spatula clypeata


It breeds in shallow and eutrophic lakes, in open water marshes. Quite common and widespread, it is usually seen in pairs or in small groups.


Medium-large duck with short neck and conspicuously long, broad bill. The wings are somewhat narrower than those of the Mallard Duck. The male in breeding plumage is unmistakable, green head (appears black from a distance), white breast, belly and flanks bright brown. Green speculum feathers edged with white on the front. The females, on the other hand, resemble the “mallard” female, but with a much larger bill, a dark brown belly in contrast to the white underparts of the wings. Greenish grey speculum feathers without white border.

Spatula clypeata
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


Medium-large duck with short neck and conspicuously long, broad bill. The wings are somewhat narrower than those of the Mallard Duck. The male in breeding plumage is unmistakable, green head (appears black from a distance), white breast, belly and flanks bright brown. Green speculum feathers edged with white on the front. The females, on the other hand, resemble the “mallard” female, but with a much larger bill, a dark brown belly in contrast to the white underparts of the wings. Greenish grey speculum feathers without white border.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer