51-62 cm
79-87 cm
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae

Very small and irregular wintering population located only in the most favourable wetlands of the Ebro valley, somewhat more common and scattered in migration. It breeds in lakes, in lowlands and steppes, and in mountains and tundra ponds. Locally it can breed in the Iberian Peninsula and also winters in the Balearic Islands.
Slenderer than Mallard Duck and about the same size. Long, narrow and pointed wings. Long and pointed tail. Blackish green speculum feathers, edged with white on the back and pale reddish on the front. The male in the breeding season has unmistakable longer central tail feathers, white chest and lower neck, a colour that extends with a narrow line through the brown of the head on each side. The female has brown mottling, a fine dark grey bill, an almost uniformly brownish head, and a dark brown speck, edged with light on the front and edged with white on the back.
Slenderer than Mallard Duck and about the same size. Long, narrow and pointed wings. Long and pointed tail. Blackish green speculum feathers, edged with white on the back and pale reddish on the front. The male in the breeding season has unmistakable longer central tail feathers, white chest and lower neck, a colour that extends with a narrow line through the brown of the head on each side. The female has brown mottling, a fine dark grey bill, an almost uniformly brownish head, and a dark brown speck, edged with light on the front and edged with white on the back.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer