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Ardea alba


85-100 cm


145-170 cm


Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Ardeidae

Ardea alba


It breeds colonially, preferably in reeds located in shallow bodies of water such as lakes and ponds. Formerly it only wintered on the peninsula, but since recent dates there is evidence of the reproduction of specimens in various parts of Spain. In the Ebro valley it is possible to observe it throughout the year, although its highest concentrations occur in the winter months.


Very large ardeido with long legs and neck, it has completely white plumage. Straight, long and yellowish beak that darkens during the breeding season. It has a bare greenish area next to the yellow eye. Long black legs with black toes that can be lightened during the breeding season. It flies with its wings arched and its neck tucked up.

Ardea alba
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


Very large ardeido with long legs and neck, it has completely white plumage. Straight, long and yellowish beak that darkens during the breeding season. It has a bare greenish area next to the yellow eye. Long black legs with black toes that can be lightened during the breeding season. It flies with its wings arched and its neck tucked up.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer