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Passer montanus


12,5-14 cm


20-22 cm


Order: Passeriformes
Family: Passeridae

Passer montanus


Like the house sparrow, although it prefers more natural environments, it is common near crops, human settlements and in open woods.


The smallest of the sparrows of the Spanish avifauna shares certain characteristics with the house sparrow such as the colouration of the back and belly, but it differs from it by having a chestnut-coloured cap, the sides of the head white with a large black spot on the cheek, and a smaller black bib. In addition, he wears a narrow white collar that reaches the nape of his neck. Both sexes are similar.

Passer montanus
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


The smallest of the sparrows of the Spanish avifauna shares certain characteristics with the house sparrow such as the colouration of the back and belly, but it differs from it by having a chestnut-coloured cap, the sides of the head white with a large black spot on the cheek, and a smaller black bib. In addition, he wears a narrow white collar that reaches the nape of his neck. Both sexes are similar.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer