80-93 cm
120-135 cm
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Threskiornithidae

Breeds in colonies in large areas of reed with bushes and trees near open and shallow waters. In our area, although regular, it is not abundant during migratory passages, even so, it is possible to observe it on the banks and shores of the river at certain times of the year.
An unmistakable wader at short distances. Its long, flattened bill with a spatula-shaped tip stands out. Completely white plumage, in the breeding season it has a crest, an ochre pectoral patch, a black bill with a yellow tip and dark legs. Its feeding behaviour is characteristic, keeping its bill under water while bobbing its head.
An unmistakable wader at short distances. Its long, flattened bill with a spatula-shaped tip stands out. Completely white plumage, in the breeding season it has a crest, an ochre pectoral patch, a black bill with a yellow tip and dark legs. Its feeding behaviour is characteristic, keeping its bill under water while bobbing its head.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer