10-11,5 cm
16-17 cm
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Remizidae

It breeds in deciduous trees on the banks of rivers and lakes, next to marshes with a lot of vegetation. It needs suitable trees for nesting with thin and hanging branches (poplars, poplars and willows). Nest in the form of a bag with an entrance tunnel, usually fixed at the end of a thin hanging branch.
Very small, with a thin, pointed beak. It has a grey head with a black “mask”, wide in males and narrower in females. The back is reddish brown. The underparts have chestnut and cream tones. It climbs with great agility up the finest branches and hangs upside down. It is most easily detected by listening to its call, a very high-pitched whistle.
Very small, with a thin, pointed beak. It has a grey head with a black “mask”, wide in males and narrower in females. The back is reddish brown. The underparts have chestnut and cream tones. It climbs with great agility up the finest branches and hangs upside down. It is most easily detected by listening to its call, a very high-pitched whistle.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer