30-38 cm
50-62 cm
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae

Lives and breeds in marshland environments, ponds, rivers, and lakes with dense vegetation cover. It is usually elusive and shy, although it can be seen sometimes wandering in more open spaces. Shakes its tail when walking.
Medium size. Like most rails, or rallidae, it has robust legs with long fingers and inconspicuous plumage. The waterhen, also known as common moorhen or swamp chicken, has a slate grey colour, except for the lower part of the tail, which is white with a central black line, and some white fringes which cross it transversely on its flanks. Its beak is red, as is the face shield, except for the tip which is yellow. Greenish legs.
Medium size. Like most rails, or rallidae, it has robust legs with long fingers and inconspicuous plumage. The waterhen, also known as common moorhen or swamp chicken, has a slate grey colour, except for the lower part of the tail, which is white with a central black line, and some white fringes which cross it transversely on its flanks. Its beak is red, as is the face shield, except for the tip which is yellow. Greenish legs.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer