31-37 cm
68-78 cm
Order: Falconiformes
Family: Falconidae
It frequents open or sparsely wooded regions, agricultural areas and thickets. It can often be seen perched on wires and poles; its hunting tactic is to hover as it scans the ground for food. Common in the Ebro Valley.
One of the most frequent birds of prey in Europe. Medium-sized falcon, with long wings and tail. The back area is reddish brown in colour with fine black mottling in contrast to the dark wings. It has a dense and eye-catching dark mottling on the chest, a dark moustache and black nails. The males have a grey head and tail. Tail ending in a wide black band, while the females exhibit more brown tones in general.
One of the most frequent birds of prey in Europe. Medium-sized falcon, with long wings and tail. The back area is reddish brown in colour with fine black mottling in contrast to the dark wings. It has a dense and eye-catching dark mottling on the chest, a dark moustache and black nails. The males have a grey head and tail. Tail ending in a wide black band, while the females exhibit more brown tones in general.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer