23-28 cm
39-45 cm
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Scolopacidae

Inconspicuous species that feeds mainly on muddy ground, generally near reed beds or grasslands, dipping its long bill. During migration and in winter it is possible to observe it in inland and coastal aquatic areas. It breeds in wet marshes and meadows, building its nest hidden among the vegetation.
Medium-sized wader, with very cryptic and barred plumage with a very long bill (almost twice the length of the head) and dark-barred flanks, with a white belly. It is often not observed until it takes flight very close to the observer emitting a characteristic sound (a harsh "chach")
Medium-sized wader, with very cryptic and barred plumage with a very long bill (almost twice the length of the head) and dark-barred flanks, with a white belly. It is often not observed until it takes flight very close to the observer emitting a characteristic sound (a harsh "chach")
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer