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Alcedo atthis


17-19,5 cm


24-26 cm


Order: Coraciiformes
Family: Alcedinidae

Alcedo atthis


It lives in many of the rivers, lakes, ponds and wetlands of the peninsula; it prefers slow-moving watercourses with some vegetation and nearby slopes where it can dig its nest. It feeds on small fish that it catches by diving.


A small bird with a short tail and a very large beak, its beautiful blue plumage on the upper parts and orange on the lower parts make it unmistakable. Although the sexes are similar, females have a reddish lower bill base while males have completely black. It is often seen when it moves quickly along the water emitting its characteristic song.

Alcedo atthis
Regular | Occasional                Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer


A small bird with a short tail and a very large beak, its beautiful blue plumage on the upper parts and orange on the lower parts make it unmistakable. Although the sexes are similar, females have a reddish lower bill base while males have completely black. It is often seen when it moves quickly along the water emitting its characteristic song.

Regular | Occasional
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer