33 - 36 cm
67 - 83 cm
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Recurvirostridae

It frequents shallow, fresh, brackish or salt waters. It breeds in swamps, lakes and ponds. It usually winters in Africa. The long legs allow it to feed in deeper water than other waders. In La Rioja, it depends on the hydrological conditions of the moment for its reproduction.
Very elegant figure. Black bill, straight and thin as a needle. It has long reddish-pink legs. Black wings that contrast with the white colour of the lower parts and flanks, the back of the bird is black in males while in females it is more brownish. The head and neck are white with a black spot that varies in intensity and extent between individuals.
Very elegant figure. Black bill, straight and thin as a needle. It has long reddish-pink legs. Black wings that contrast with the white colour of the lower parts and flanks, the back of the bird is black in males while in females it is more brownish. The head and neck are white with a black spot that varies in intensity and extent between individuals.
Resident | Transient | Winter | Summer